Rating System

5 / 5 : Excellent
What a movie that I've watched, is very memorable, amazing, thrill and memorable. I left the cinema studio with a completely satisfied face and a really wide smile. My expectation is fully pay-off and I'm speechless and will make an impression for me forever.

4.75 / 5 : Super Great
Satisfied and speechless. Although there were missing spot to fill from this film but it was really covered well and I was satisfied, need a week to get over this movie.

4.5 / 5 : Very Great
I could be prancing happy or sad, or scared, or trying to solve the mystery after watching this film, but I don't have to think about it for weeks.

4 / 5 : Great
What a hella-fun ride.

3.75 / 5 : Super Good
I love to sit in a cinema chair comfortably while enjoying movies without yawning at all, and yes, it is still a fun ride.

3.5 / 5 : Very Good
I'm happy, only with the addition of 'yawn', but it's alright.

3 / 5 : Good
It can still make me feel comfortable sitting in a movie theater, and I am sure that the money I spent was not in vain, or "at least the film is good" quote.

2.75 / 5 : Not Bad
At least, I can still find the happiness pieces that have been presented by this film, although I still feel that I have lost the payment of cinema tickets for this film.

2.5 / 5 : Bad
Like riding a Roller-coaster by closing your eyes. It almost feels fun, but it's very exhausting, and end-up with a very bad memory.

2 / 5 : Very Bad
Ugh, I can only say to myself, "just wait until the ending, be patient."

1 / 5 : Worst
The score where the film can somehow make me feel that the cinema studio is the biggest and most comfortable bedroom to sleep on, or make me want to tear the cinema paper up and ask for a refund of the money that I have spent, and this movie needs to stop.

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